If you're breathing, respect is probably a big deal for you. Last night in youth we talked about the how hurtful offense is, and how it gives the enemy a foothold in our lives. I'm convinced that this is one of the number one ways that he attacks us, because it makes us ineffective in the Kingdom of God. Ephesians 4 says this:
My uncle's dying wish was to have me sitting on his lap. He was in the electric chair.
I tell ya when I was a kid, all I knew was rejection. My yo-yo, it never came back!
My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
When I played in the sandbox the cat kept covering me up.
26"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold.When we allow ourselves to harbor bitterness, we give the devil a chance to attack us without even realizing. The problem with offense is that often times we have the "right" to be angry. If someone hurts us, we feel justified talking about them behind their back. But that's not what God wants for us.
I'll explore this more in later posts, but this one is getting too long.