Friday, September 5, 2008


Normally i won't post youth group announcements on my blog, as it's more geared to fellow youth pastors than to the church, but right now I have to because I need to get this info out quickly and I already know how to do it here (rather than messing with the church website). So sorry for everyone coming here for YM tips, those will start back up once I get settled in at the church.

UPDATE: Updated details are in Bold and Italic, also fixed a link and uploaded a permission slip for the camping trip.

Camping Trip

We'll nail down the final details by Sunday, but for right now here's what we have:
September 12-13 (Meet at the church at 5pm, we'll return to the church at 10am)
Cost: $5
What to bring:
Bible, Tent, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, coat, clothes and toiletries. Guitars, sports equipment, or games can also be brought if you'd like.
Transportation: One of the church vans will be available to transport people to and from the Schwendtkes.

Please click here to download a permission slip.

Youth Conference

October 10-11
Cost: $115 (fundraisers are available, please contact me for more info)
What to Bring:
Bible, Pen, Notepad, Sleeping bag, pajamas, change of clothes, deodorant and other toiletries, swimsuit (optional, not sure if the pool will be open or not, girls no two piece suits), spending money, coat
Transportation: Church Vans
Departure/Arrival times: Leaving at 10am on the 10th and returning home at around 10pm on the 11th.

Please click here to view the permission slip

Please click here to view the scholarship application form